Monday, 18 July 2011


Just did some test shooting with my newly acquired Zeiss. Really love the idea of a 6x9 cm negative on 120 film. I mean my 6x6 Minolta is great, but theres something about a wider frame that i like just a bit more. This camera folds up enough to fit into your back pocket and still gives a huge neg. However the day i went out with the camera to test it, it was Shoreditch festival where a few drinks were had....... Firstly I forgot to take my lightmeter out with me (this camera was made in 1938) and the couple of light shandys i had lead me to forget about focusing for all but one of the shots (haha great photographer i am!) I guessed the exposure for them all as well as handheld them all on a grey day, So anyway the above is the best example from my test roll.

Shot it with my favorite film Rollei Retro 400s. I did an experimental development with this too. Instead of my normal 30 sec inversions of 1:50 rodinal for 15 or so minutes, i diluted it to 1:100 and left the film sitting for 1 hour with a 30 second agitation at 30 minutes in.